Thursday 10 October 2013

College Magazine Analysis

The masthead is big a goes across the whole front page to stand out, and it is at the top so when it is put in a magazine rack the buyer will be able to see what it is. The date is at the right side below the masthead and it is small to show when the issue, so people know it isn't an old issue. The model is smiling and wearing a bright colour on a bright coloured background showing sunshine which is giving out a happy aura, and showing that the magazine is good and there isn't anything that would make the reader unhappy in anyway. There are cover lines on either side of the model so you the viewer can see the model without writing all over her. The bar code is out of the way at the bottom right hand corner to make it look a bit better to look at. In this particular magazine issue there isn't a main cover line, but if there was it would be bigger than all the other cover lines. The magazine uses a variety of colours, but not so much that it would look horrible, but enough to make look appealing. The model suits the reader age as it is a college magazine.  Different colours are used for the cover line title to the description of the cover so it catches the reader’s eye first before the description, as seen on the cover the magazine uses brighter a colour for the cover line title and a darker colour for the description.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Replies to questionnaire

We surveyed our intended target audience and 55% of them were male and the other 45% were female. We then asked them if they read the magazine and a whopping 100% do not read the college magazine meaning that the product (college magazine) is not working. After we asked how often would they like the college magazine to be published and 45% of people we asked would like it published monthly. We then asked how much would they be prepared to pay for the college magazine, out of the possible, free, 50p, £1, £2, and we got that 50% of people would not like to pay for it therefore having the college magazine for free, however 45% said they are willing to pay 50p. The next question was would they pay for a college magazine if it had ‘freebies’ and discounts in it, things like money off vouchers etc. 85% of the people we asked said they would pay for the magazine if there was ‘freebies.’ Then we asked out of a list to pick 3 answers of what they would like to see in the college magazine. The 4 most popular answers were fashion, food, technology, and music. Then we asked them to pick 3 colours they would like to see used on and in the magazine, the top 5 answers were blue, white, red, purple, and green. 55% of people then said that they would like to see people on the front cover, instead of music or technology. 75% of people then said they would like email updates for the college magazine, like a subscription so people can know when the college magazine is it and what it’s about. We then asked if they would like to contribute to the college magazine and 30% of the replies said that they would like to contribute to the magazine.